Out of the car, it needs a full disassembly and inspection.. However.. a good way to tell if it's any good ( on the trannys I've done ) is, Drain the Fluid.. inspect what is there.... 1) MINOR Brass sheen to the Oil indicates Sycnro's going out.. Somewhat normal 2) Brass crumbles then Sycro's are toast. 3) Little pieces of wire, or the Sycro Keepers ( Look like SMALL Dominos Game Pieces ) is never good.. 4) Look at the Magnetic Drain Plug.. if it a little furry with steel, it;s normal.. if it looks like a small hair ball from the bathroom sink drain.. likely it's not good.. A good Junk Yard tranny is worth about $350.. a hand carry to a Tranny Shop should cost about 1K for them to rebuild.. provided no broken pieces.. Cj